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Common Reasons Why ECMs Fail

The Engine Control Module (ECM) is an onboard computer on a vehicle that controls the engine’s functions and systems. Think of it as a vehicle’s brain.

Common Reasons Why ECMs Fail

The ECM gathers information from the various sensors in the engine bay and uses that data to determine which function the engine will perform next. It’s the ECM’s responsibility to ensure that the right amount of fuel is being fed into the cylinders and that the air-to-fuel mixture is just right.

So, it’s quite evident that the ECM is an extremely important component of the vehicle. If the ECM becomes faulty, there are noticeable symptoms in most cases. Here are a few of the common ones.

Moisture & Corrosion

Moisture-related corrosion and damage is one of the most common culprits behind fault or failing ECMs. Over time, corrosion can spread into the ECM via the wiring harness, and moisture can enter due to worn out or damaged seals.

Low Voltage

The ECM requires a certain voltage to perform optimally. The voltage varies from vehicle to vehicle. If it doesn’t get the appropriate voltage, it becomes more susceptible to developing faults or failing completely. The voltage can be checked through the wires that are running into the ECM harness. All you need is a voltmeter gauge to measure it.

Dead Battery

The ECM is powered by the vehicle’s battery. If any of the cells in the battery are dead, then the ECM is likely to start malfunctioning. If all the cells are dead, the ECM will fail to operate at al. In fact, you won’t be able to start the vehicle at all. Therefore, its good practice to get your battery examined right away if you notice signs of ECM malfunction.

Bad Jump Starting

If you ever jump start the vehicle, make sure that the jumper cables are properly attached. If the jump start is performed with the cables attached incorrectly, there’s a risk of the ECM spiking quickly, which can cause it to short out. If this happens, you will need to get the ECM repaired or even replaced.

Looking for Caterpillar replacement ECMs online? CATECM is one of the United States’ leading providers of Caterpillar ECM replacement, repairs and reprogramming services. We deliver all over the United States and all our engine parts come with a 1-year warrant. Get in touch with us to learn more.

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