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5 Common Signs of a Failed Fuel Injector

The fuel injector is an essential part of your car but you may not realize its importance unless it gives you grief or stops working entirely. As the name suggests, the fuel injector is responsible for injecting fuel into (you guessed it!) the engine.

Merriam-Webster defines a fuel injector as a pump and valve mechanism that can spray liquid fuel into the cylinder of your diesel engine intermittently.

Fuel injectors have evolved significantly as our cars have gone from mostly mechanical to largely electronic. In other words, your car’s fuel injector is now closely related to the ECM.

The developments in car manufacturing mean that now ECM (Engine Control Module) adjusts the fuel injection timing to suit different engine running conditions, whether it’s idling, cold start, or throughout the engine’s power range. In simpler words, ECM controls the fuel injector.


So, how exactly do you know if your fuel injector has failed and needs repair or more likely replacement? Here are the five common signs you should be on the lookout for:

1. Engine Check Light Is On

This is perhaps the easiest sign you’ll get that your fuel injector is not working. An engine check sign could mean a lot of different things but what it does tell you is that your engine isn’t working properly.

The engine check sign could mean that your fuel injector is either spraying too much or too little fuel. It can also mean that your car’s ECM needs repair or replacement. This isn’t a car-specific issue as marine engine ECM repair and truck ECM repair services are also common.

2. Reduced Fuel Efficiency

This is another common sign that your fuel injector is not functioning properly if your car’s fuel efficiency has taken a hit. A damaged fuel injector could be supplying your engine with more fuel than it needs which doesn’t help your engine but ups your fuel expenses significantly.

3. Engine Stalling or Rough Idling

If your car’s idling roughly it means your car’s RPMs are dropping below the optimal levels which causes the car to idle violently. Engine stalling happens if your RPM falls too low that the car actually stalls and you’ll need to restart.

4. Engine Misfiring

If your engine is misfiring regularly, one of the most common causes can be a weakened fuel injector for engine misfire. Engine misfire means that your car is struggling to accelerate or you’ll notice a delay between when you step on the pedal and when the car accelerates.

5. ECM Malfunction

The truth is that common signs of failure are pretty much the same for ECMs and fuel injectors. The two devices are closely tied to each other which is why the common symptoms are the same. Getting your car checked whether both or any one part needs to be replaced.

However, the good news is that you can repair or replace your diesel ECM easily with CATECM. At CATECM, we offer free programming, a one-year warranty, and a 30-day money-back guarantee whether you’re looking for CAT C7 ECM or CAT C12 ECM replacement services.

To learn more about how we can help with your ECM needs, get in touch with us, or click here for quick price inquiries.

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