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4 Reasons Why ECMs Fail

Modern diesel engines all come with an electronic control module (ECM) installed that controls various important features like the vehicle’s acceleration, fuel efficiency, and driveability. ECMs also keep vehicle engines performing at optimal levels, which is every vehicle owner’s goal in the long run.

When ECMs fail, your vehicle’s performance may drop significantly. Many people wonder what the reasons behind their vehicle’s ECM failure are. Let’s take a look at it in this blog.

Irregular Supply of Current

An ECM is an electrical component. It sends and receives signals through the current and needs a steady current flow at all times to work properly. An irregular current supply can permanently damage an ECM, resulting in a short-out.

Irregular current supply to the ECM can be due to a lot of reasons, like an old battery, problems with wiring, fluctuation of voltage due to any other reason, etc. You can check your vehicle’s voltage by connecting a voltmeter to the vehicle’s wiring at any point. If the voltage fluctuates, you should get it checked by a professional before it damages your ECM.

1. Moisture and Dust

An ECM is sealed to prevent dust, moisture, and any other debris from entering the electrical parts inside. Over time, this seal can wear off. Damaged seals let moisture and dust pass through, which can damage the electrical components of the ECM inside.

2. Corrosion

Over the years, electrical components like wire harnesses, chips sets, or the ECM’s housing can corrode. If the corrodes parts are not repaired or replaced on time, this can result in ECM failure.

3. Harsh Weather and Physical Conditions

Although ECMs are built to withstand harsh weather conditions, excessive moisture, extreme heat, or cold can take a toll on them in the long run. Moreover, internal vibrations and wear and tear can also play a part in ECM failure.

The internal circuitry of the ECMs is very delicate and can be damaged with even the slightest of impacts to the ECMs physically. This is why ECMs often fail if vehicles get into accidents.

Internal circuitry of an electronic device

If your vehicle’s ECM has failed, you can get it repaired by professionals at CATECM.

Our experts have years of experience repairing ECMs and offer swift ECM repairs within a day or two. If your ECM is not repairable, you can also buy our remanufactured ECMs that come with a one-year warranty.

Reach out to us now for further details.

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